"Patty W." wrote:
Hi Dave--
The problem I'm having with Clip Art Images is that they installed Microsoft
XP Professional with Office 2003, here at work, and when I go to insert a
Clip Art image into a document or an e-mail, I used to be able to go up to
'Insert', 'Object', then a window would come up with a list of different
applications/programs, and included in this list was 'Microsoft Clip Art
Gallery', so when I clicked on that, it would open a whole group of different
Clip Art images that I had saved - it was sort of like a Clip Art File
so-to-say, kind of like the new 'Picture Manager', and each different
catagory had its own file, and you could go online and pick out different
clip art images that you like, and download them into this file, and when you
wanted to use them, you would just go into this file and click on the image
you wanted. Now, with Office 2003, I cannot even locate my old clips that I
had saved! When you go to 'Insert', 'Object', there is no longer a choice on
the list of programs you want, in this case 'Microsoft Clip Gallery', so now
you have to click on 'Insert', 'Picture', then go into 'Clip Art', and when
you do that, a whole different screen comes up, or, should I say, a sort of
half screen comes up on the side of my computer screen, and I cannot locate
all those clips that I loved and saved, which is pretty discouraging! Sorry
this is so long, but I was just wondering if anyone knows how I can retrieve
my Clip Art images from before
Post by DaveI upgraded from Office 2003 to Office 2007. In 2003 when I chose the
Subject: "Meeting" as an example I would get 20 choices of ClipArt. Now I am
offered only 1 file. Same with all other catagories. No problem viewing
them, the number of offerings are greatly reduced form what I was used to in
2003. All ClipArt in 2003 was standard stuff, none of which I added, just
straight off of the install disc with which I was very pleased. Thanks for
any comments, Dave