I know this is a year late, but I just don't think this response is
sufficient. It does nothing to explain why Microsoft has yet again removed a
feature that is taken for granted as much as spell check. Being able to view
your email as the sender intended should be a given. One shouldn't have to
open their emails in a separate application to enjoy what every other user in
older versions of Outlook and other email applications can enjoy natively.
Instead of a work around which really isn't a work around more like a cop
out. Why not just add the feature back in? Its things like this, along with
illogical and pointless alterations to the UI that keep people hesitant to
upgrade and purchase your products. When you are consistently showing people
that their next upgrade could cost them this feature or that feature, or be
so dramatically different; that your time is spent learning instead of
working you tend to be a little leery when the time comes for the next
While I'm on my soap box, does Microsoft ever think to ask before yanking
features? I'm sure it would have been a resounding "KEEP IT" if you did.
I don't know if you guys are aware of this or not, but people don't want a
UI shock every time they "Upgrade" their software. I put upgrade in quotes
because things like this give me doubt that it really is an upgrade.
Tony Hicks
Chicago IL
Post by Mary SauerThis is from Outlook's help
The animated graphic in my e-mail message doesn't work
When you receive an e-mail message that contains animated graphics, such as
animated .gif files, only a static image appears.
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 does not display animated graphics files in the
body of e-mail messages. Only the first frame of the animation appears.
You can view the message in your Web browser to see the animation.
View an e-mail message in your Web browser
Open the message.
On the Message tab, in the Actions group, click Other Actions.
Click View in Browser.
Mary Sauer MSFT MVP
Post by JWsterI do send my emails in HTML using the method exactly as you described above.
The clips, or .gifs are never animated since using Outlook 2007. Does this
method work for you in 2007 and they are actually animated?
Post by Mary SauerSend your email in HTML, the clip will animate. New, Options, HTML. Insert,
place your cursor in the message pane, browse to your clip.
Mary Sauer MSFT MVP
Post by JWsterPlease make it so that one has the choice to make an animated clip art
"animated" in an email. Since I've installed Office 2007 animated clip art
is no longer animated and there is no way around this. One should have the
Thank you
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